A great list of things to do in St Kilda delivered to you every Sunday evening

#225ANAM crosses over to the Abbotsford Convent

The Australian National Academyof Music (ANAM) will relocate to the Abbotsford Convent for at least three years after it was discovered that the South Melbourne Town Hall needed more fundamental remedial works.
‘We’ll be back’ was the clear message from Nick Bailey, ANAM General Manager, last week when the news broke. He said the was Academy talking with Council and philanthropic sources to secure $43M for a “state-of-the-art home for ANAM for the next 50 years and an iconic cultural and community destination venue (at the South Melbourne Town Hall).”
Last year, the Federal Government committed $12.5M and now ANAM is seeking $10M from the State Government.
Meanwhile Council gave TWiSK a less committed statement saying ‘Council is continuing negotiations with ANAM regarding their proposal of a new long-term lease at South Melbourne Town Hall and the outcome will be reported to Council. If we wish to proceed with the lease, public feedback will be sought.’
Read “ANAM is on the move” statement 
ANAM hopes to present concerts in Port Phillip in 2021 to maintain the close connection.
Stay tuned.

The good, the mysterious and the disappointing @ St Kilda Marina
Online public Q&A
Thursday 30 July, 7 pm Register 
There’s a lot to like about the plans for a reincarnated St Kilda Marina.
Boaties will get better berths and boat storage. Much of the current fencing comes down and the public can stroll right up to the beacon (for uninterrupted views). The Volunteer Coast Guard gets a purpose built home and the public boat ramp / parking stays active.
The faded Riva building also gets an upgrade as do the Marine Parade cafes and facilities, there’s also a new ‘civic hub’ facing the berths.
The plans bring in heaps of private investment, $31M in the first four years.
But there remains one big mystery and one major disappointment.
The big mystery is who exactly are the preferred tenant, Australian Marina Development Corporation Pty Ltd?
Word around the village is that they have great connections in venue management and catering, over and above experience in marina development. But where is the detail?
Their credentials are not detailed in any of the public documents, except to say “the consortium includes several locally based people who have a long association with the marina. It also includes significant marina operations and redevelopment expertise and experience.”
Attempts by TWiSK to contact the AMDC last week went unanswered (by deadline).
All we can tell from public sources is that AMDC was registered as recently as June last year.
We look forward to being impressed.
A bridge too far @ St Kilda Marina
Imagine the Bay Trail stretching from the South along the newly opened marina peninsula to the Beacon and then crossing a modern draw bridge over the marina entrance to the reserve near the Skate Park to connect directly with the St Kilda promenade.
Neat. Attractive. Expensive.
The idea remains an option but is left unfunded – an orphan idea.
Public feedback open until 15 August
This document by Council gives a good overview
The bureaucratic story is here

Will the second lockdown mean budget rethink? @ Council
Final decision being made 15 August
The impact of the second lockdown has sharpened traders calls for more relief from council, including winter rate relief for suffering businesses. Also highlighted is the growing need for more welfare support for the many casualties of the hospitality, tourism, recreation and arts closures.
Although the formal consultation period has closed
It’s not too late to let your Councillors know what you want – it is an election year after all.

The Badloves single launch @ Memo Live Stream
Monday 3 August, 7 pm
Frontman Michael Spiby is keeping The Badloves legacy alive. $15

Ron Peno & The Superstitions @ Memo live stream
Sunday 9 August, 7.30 pm
Great performer, great band, quality presentation by Renegade Films – $12 bargain

Entries open @ Linden Postcard Show 20/21
Entries close 25 August.
OMG Its time to get your entries ready for the most democratic art show in town.
Like everything else, COVID has changed the rules:
> All artworks must be posted to the gallery instead of delivering them in person.
> Artists can only enter a maximum of three artworks, not four
> Entries will be capped at 1000 artworks – it is best to get in early to secure your place.
Please be sure to read the full terms and conditions of entry before submitting your artwork. 
More info

Click and collect is back @ Library
Monday to Friday, 10 am – 5 pm
Search and reserve items online from home and collect them once available from four library locations, including St Kilda.
More info
Libraries remain closed until further notice.

Takeaway direct – the fairest way to care @ support local traders
Click here for a list of traders open for takeaway 
Supercharge your support by ordering takeaway direct for pick up or delivery.

Seven years unsolved but not forgotten @ RIP Tracy Connelly (and Tony)
Thanks to Serge Thomann for these words and photo on Facebook.
“7 years ago (21 July 2013), the severely wounded body of Tracy Connelly was discovered in her van in Greeves Street. Tracy was savagely murdered on a cold dark winter night.
The St Kilda community from all walks of life gathered for a candlelight vigil, prayed and remembered Tracy. They massed together to say no, to say all women are someone, to make a stand against violence against women.
A year later, we met again to remember this beautiful woman.
Now 7 years on, despite a $1 million reward and extensive DNA testings, the murderer has still not been found.
I did not know Tracy but I did spend some time with her devastated boyfriend Tony and was involved with Gatehouse to remember Tracy. Unfortunately, Tony also died a couple of years ago.
To be part of our St Kilda inclusive community at the time was a humble and sad moment. But it also demonstrated that in tough times, we can all be together. Love together. Grieve together. Fight together.”
For more info

Visit our Council election fact fileEnrol to vote before 24 August
Voters have until 4 pm, Friday 28 August to enrol or update their details.
heck your enrolment is up-to-date – or enrol to vote for the first time at the Australian Electoral Commission
Many business owners can vote too
Business owners who pay rates (even through an agent or body corporate) may also be eligible to vote.
To claim your vote or check your eligibility, contact
Coordinator Rates and Valuations via Council’s ASSIST team on 9209 6777
Visit TWiSK’s election fact file for details.

Angry ratepayers launch website @ ropp.org.au
If you are angry about the rates you pay or reckon the council wastes your money, you’ll find a sympathetic voice in this group. Their aim is to “realign focus on essential services and reduce spending on non-core services while making the Council Officers and Councillors accountable to their community.”
Visit their website
RoPP is yet to reply to the TWiSK Transparency Test.
Will RoPP be standing candidates in the election?

If the CAPP fits @ www.progressiveportphillip.org
In the other corner (of the metaphorical ring), is the newly formed Progressive Port Phillip. Organised by longtime local activists, the triple P is hoping to find common ground for ‘progressive’ locals. It wont be standing candidates but will be campaigning on issues. 
Visit their website
PPP have completed the TWiSK transparency test – read their answers now
Here’s another question for PPP.
How are you different from CAPP?

Previous COVID TWiSK newsletters
Monday 20 July – Sunday 26 July
Monday 13 July – Sunday 19 July
Monday 6 July – Sunday 12 July
Monday 29 June – Sunday 5 July
Monday 22 June – Sunday 28 June