A great list of things to do in St Kilda delivered to you every Sunday evening


Get an insider’s view of Pride progress

Pride progress video @ Pride Centre
Vimeo link password: inclusive
Last month we reported that the Pride Centre had successfully ‘topped out’, meaning the structure was complete.
Now we present an ‘exclusive’ video preview of the Centre as it gets set for final fit-out.
Escorted by Pride Chair Jude Munro and Fundraising leader Stuart Killmorgan, this simple in-house video tours through the construction site that will be the Price Centre in just a few months – 20 minutes well spent – TWiSK was inspired.
Vimeo link Password: inclusive

Purchase a piece of Pride @ Pride Registry
EOFY tax deductable donations
The Pride Centre is moving rapidly to the fit-out phase and they have a registry of much needed kit to help make the place great.
You can donate a little or a lot.
Pride Registry

COVID safe @ Luna Park
Limited re-opening for school holidays
Two 3-hour sessions daily until 12 July, then Weekends 18 – 26 July
11 am -2 pm, 3 pm – 6 pm
Operators will be controlling guest numbers and introducing new procedures to keep everyone safe and distanced.
Reduced prices. $35 per session

Plastic Free July: Tips & Tricks @ EcoCentre Zoom
Thursday 2 July, 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm
Fam Charko and Matt McArthur kick start Plastic Free July by sharing tips on ways to enjoy to a plastic-free lifestyle!
Register here 

Sold out COVID Space Odyssey @ Astor

Thursday 2 July, 7.30 pm
“Open the cinema doors please, HAL.” Patrons have fully booked the limited space available on the re-opening night of the Astor for the classic 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Many other sessions are sold out too, including The Shinning and Goodfellas.
Yikes. With audience limits back to 20, better check program guides before you book.
A 2020 space odyssey indeed.

Dear Australia @ Playwriting Australia
Thursday 2 July – Sunday 5 July
Emily Goddard and Kevin Hofbauer from Red Stitch feature in this online live stream of 50 new short works from some of Australia’s best playwrights.
Commissioned by Playwriting Australia, the 50 monologues have been recorded by 50 actors, many in their own homes.
Watch live

Sunset Streaming #3 @ Acland Street

Friday 3 July, 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Mystery venue – will it be Luna Park, Stokehouse or Village Belle?
Enjoy the third in a series of online live DJ streams over looking a sunset in St Kilda.
Enjoy the vibes vicariously from the comfort of your own screen or device.
Live link on Facebook

Winter School holiday program @ Library
Online resources
Access to the library is still limited, but they have a great list of things to do on Facebook.
Story time playlists, paper plane plans, Minecraft challenges and more.
Get active
Treasure Hunt under Sea @ Local Children’s Theatre Company

Greens candidates announced @ Council elections
Friday 26 June
Current Greens Councillors Tim Baxter and Katherine Copsey have launched their re-election campaign for the 24 October council poll.
They are joined by new face Earl James who will stand in Gateway Ward replacing Ogy Simic.
The Greens have become a force in local government, especially in municipalities with multi-councillor wards.
They will be confident about repeating their success from the last Port Phillip poll – three out of three elected.
More info 
Next week we look at ALP candidates – expect some familiar faces there too.

Have your wartime memories read by children @ Port Phillip heritage
Call for memories and young readers
Do you have childhood memories of WWII? It’s 75 years since that war ended and Council’s heritage team are looking for people to share their childhood recollections for the ‘Through childhood eyes – hidden stories of World War Two’ project.
The stories collected will be read by local children – fascinating for young and old alike.
Start by completing a short survey 

Keep the Circle Unbroken @ Memo Live Stream
Saturday 18 July, 7.30 pm
An incredible line-up of Australian musicians performing on a new album of the same name – inspired by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band’s 1972 album Will the Circle be Unbroken.
Features Tim Rogers, Abby Dobson, Mark Atkins, Kylie Auldist, Dave Gleeson, backed by Row Jerry Crow band with special guest musicians. $12

Bravos and brickbats @ Council COVID Recovery Program

Read complete program in council papers
Last week we looked at the headlines of the post COVID Council budget – now out for your feedback until 17 July.
This week we look at the detail of the $4.2 Economic and Social Recovery Program announced in the Council budget.

There is some good news in the social recovery program. Work to protect the homeless from COVID, winter and other dangers continues – and includes the welcome and innovative use of Habitat HQ backpackers as a ‘common ground’ style facility.
There’s also funds to continue help with food aid through the PPCG food hub.
The social recovery adds up to about $0.6M in total.

However, the economic recovery program for business is mostly consumed in these five line-items:
$1.29M Rent relief for South Melbourne Market Stallholders and other commercial tenants leasing from Council
$0.375M Suspending rent increases for South Melbourne Market and other council tenants
$$0.45M Reactivation and use public space: street activities, pop-up markets etc
$0.40M Waiving footpath trading fees until 1 December
$0.07M Rate deferral for businesses qualifying for JobKeeper – with no interest for 24 months.
$0.15M to promote visitation across Sep-Dec 20.

Comments offered to TWiSK by local St Kilda traders on the condition of anonymity were polite but carefully avoided articulating the anger, frustration and disappointment that many were clearly feeling.
“Although well meaning, it is difficult to see the real benefit to local businesses.”
“Did the CoPP actually conduct any meaningful consultation with the traders?”
“A potential opportunity to make a real difference has been missed.”
“We need real tangible hands on assistance.”

And TWiSK gets it.
Who has got the energy to argue with Council when you are fully consumed with surviving COVID?

TWiSK cannot ignore the FACT that St Kilda (and surrounds) have been hit hard by a perfect storm of restrictions in tourism, hospitality, arts and recreation.
Businesses are hurting, employees are nervous and the future is uncertain.
TWiSK wants to know what you think …

Countdown to Council elections @ 24 October 2020

An election like no other
It’s little more than a 100 days until voting closes in the next Council election.
And it’s going to be a Council election unlike any other … and here’s just some reasons why.

#1 It’s the first COVID election campaign
There will  be more social media, less face2face contact and fewer opportunities for public scrutiny.

#2 It’s the first postal-only ballot for Port Phillip
There will be no polling booths or polling day – just a ballot in the mail.
Expect a barrage of leaflets and letters, emails and Facebook opinion.
Don’t forget to enrol to vote – residents get a vote, not just property and business owners.

#3 It’s the first time the ALP is running endorsed candidates
Jealous of the success of the Greens in local government, Labor is officially going local.
The Liberals are maintaining their ‘fig-leaf’ of party neutrality.

#4 There’s new players on the block
Watch for PPP – Progressive Port Phillip – not standing candidates but seeking to ‘influence’ the Greens, Labor and independent progressives.
While angry Rate Payers are canvasing for candidates.
Expect more independents, maybe even a few ‘preference miners’.

#5 There are no local newspapers
Leader is gone, as are the Fairfax locals of old.
But TWiSK is here. We have more readers every week.
And TWiSK is always free, proudly independent and totally self-funded.

Let’s follow these elections together.
Because they will matter to our brief: arts, music and community.
Comments welcome

Previous TWiSK COVID editions

Monday 22 June – Sunday 28 June

Monday 15 June – Sunday 21 June

Monday 8 June – Sunday 14 June

Monday 1 June – Sunday 7 June

Monday 25 May – Sunday 31 May

Monday 18 May – Sunday 24 May

Election comment is authorised by G Day, 12 Marine Parade, St Kilda 3182.