A great list of things to do in St Kilda delivered to you every Sunday evening

#229Hope by the spoonful on Broadway @ Spoonville

The young citizens of Spoonville have created a spontaneous celebration of community on Broadway in leafy Elwood.
We don’t know who started this or even why, but we do know it’s a joyous celebration.
Thanks to local photographer Chris Cassar for the pix.
Latest info
 According to The Age, the Spoonville idea started in the English village of Winnersh, then spread across Britain and is finding a toehold locally.
And of course there is a Facebook page Spoonville International 

Local COVID testing @ Star Health
Pop – up testing clinics are appearing in unlikely places like the St Kilda Botanical Gardens.
It’s a free, walk-up service.
Testing times and places
Monday 17 August
Sacred Heart Mission, 10 am – 1 pm
Tuesday 18 August
Inkerman Flats, 150 Inkerman St, 10 am – 3 pm
Wednesday 19 August
St Kilda Botanical Gardens, 11 Herbert St entrance, 10.30 am – 3.30 pm
Thursday 20 August
Housing First, Balluk Willam Court, 10 am – 4 pm
Friday 21 August
Access Health, 31 Grey St, 12 noon – 4.30 pm

Local life after the virus @ PPP zoom event
Tuesday 18 August, 8 – 9 pm
Progressive Port Phillip presents some great thinkers and activists, including Tim Costello, Jack Latimore and Emma Dawson. Together they will discuss how to build a new social contract focused on fairness and an economy that works for all.

Make your Postcard @ Linden Postcard Show 20/21

Closing date now Sunday 20 September.
There’s now extra time get your entries ready for the most democratic art show in town.
Like everything else, COVID has changed the rules:
> All artworks must be posted to the gallery instead of delivering them in person.
> Artists can only enter a maximum of three artworks, not four
> Entries will be capped at 1000 artworks – it is best to get in early to secure your place.
Please be sure to read the full terms and conditions of entry before submitting your artwork. 
More info
Join the mailing list 

Mask4U @ space2b

Online shop
Responding to popular demand, the creative souls at space2b have expanded both production and designs of their reusable, reversible, handmade three-layer face masks. $15 + postage
Buy online 

Neighbourhood zoom chats @ PPP zoom
St Kilda & St Kilda West, Saturday 22 August, 5 pm – 6 pm 
Albert Park & Middle Park, Sunday 23 August, 5pm – 6pm 
Progressive Port Phillip is hosting zoom meetings for locals to discuss what’s great about their neighbourhood, what needs improving and what you’d like to ask the candidates for council.
More info

Crunch time @ Council Budget

Wednesday 19 August, 6.30 pm
Faced with a $30M decline in revenue and soaring demand of homeless support and other community relief, Council redrafted it’s budget for 20/21 and released it for your feedback in July.
298 community submissions were received and considered, resulting in an amended budget going to Council for approval this Wednesday night.
Here is a link to the most helpful description on the Council website 

TWiSK’s budget headlines
Despite the extensive community response, there are few changes to the draft released in July. The biggest news is the suspension of the St Kilda Festival, which is likely to dominate the conversation.
Here are the headlines as TWiSK sees it:
No change to the rate increase, still up 2%
An average increase of $35 a year
No addition to rate relief package for local traders
Despite the ongoing and increased COVID restrictions, the only rate relief for traders is interest free rate deferral. Footpath trading fees are also waived until Summer.
Possible suspension of the next St Kilda Festival
The $1.7M budget would be quarantined in reserve for one-off spend on economic and cultural recovery.
Only a small decrease in Council payroll
Salaries and wages have been reduced budget on budget by $5.6 million. This will be achieved by reducing staff numbers by somewhere between 62 and 37 EFT (from 846 EFT).
$75K in matching funding for Reactivate Fitzroy Street
Joint funding of the Fitzroy Street Traders plan to activate vacant space.
Maintaining the $5.6 million Economic and Social Recovery Program
The primary beneficiaries are still Council tenants and South Melbourne Market stallholders.
On the bravo side is continued support for food programs and housing the homeless.
Temporary bike lane funding
Modest funding to pop-up bikes lanes to give more people an alternative to COVID risky PT.
It’s not too late to email your councillors
TWiSK is happy to hear your feedback on the budget.

Candidates on tender hooks as rumors fly of delay

It’s evident from newspaper reports  that the government is briefing journalists that the council elections will probably be delayed.
The voters roll closes later this month and the closing date for Councillor nominations is 22 September with ballots set to arrive in the post from 6 October.
All during a State of Emergency or Disaster.
But spare a thought for the candidates who must book delivery of the materials by Australia Post many weeks in advance. 
This is genuinely tricky, Australia Post may be the only legal way to deliver election information, and they require many weeks notice for booking and material lodgement. Yikes.
The government needs to make a decision this week – one way or another.

Previous TWiSKs
Monday 10 August – Sunday 16 August
TWiSK special edition: The extraordinary case of the long-distance CEO
Monday 3 August – Sunday 9 August
Monday 27 July – Sunday 2 August
Monday 20 July – Sunday 26 July
Monday 13 July – Sunday 19 July