A great list of things to do in St Kilda delivered to you every Sunday evening

TWiSK #207
Get TWiSK every Sunday 7 pm

Positive ideas for corona recovery

Strange days indeed.
Much of the regular St Kilda music and arts has been plunged into hibernation for a corona winter.
But the community response is only just beginning …
Share your positive ideas 
Here’s our policy.
No opinion. No criticism. No fear.
Only positive stuff you can do within the official health rules.
Send us your ideas to survive corona with a stronger community
Email TWiSK
Every little bit of kindness helps

Share your library says Liz

Regular TWiSK contributor Liz has emailed local friends with lists of her books they can borrow.
Easy. Friends sharing books – old school cool!
Maybe take a pic of your bookshelp to email?
To be sure, wash hands and wipe covers before giving or receiving books.

Bookshop now has wheels says Angela from Readings St Kilda
Readings Bookshop in Acland Street now offers free delivery within 1 km for books and puzzles and fun activities to keep you and the kids busy at home.
Info | 9525 3852

Use your e-library
All Port Phillip libraries are now closed. Use your library card number to access a great range of e-services, films, books, audio books and more. It’s easier than you think 🙂
Visit library  | Library e-services

The beat goes on but online says Fiona from Fyrefly
The music lovers at Fyrefly will be posting daily live music on Facebook

Say welcome back with care packs says Michelle

Regular podcast co-host Michelle suggests offering simple care packs for friends returning from overseas.
Offer to get fresh milk, some bread or cereal to get them started.
“Who has that ready when you’ve been away?”
Start the ball rolling with a friendly note or text message.
Stay safe by following social distancing rules.

Be a garden nomad says Christ Church

Garden nomads volunteer to help maintain gardens for older people and others. Solo or with a friend two metres away, stay active and help someone else simultaneously. It’s gardening for those without a garden.

Plenty of ifs, but no buts says Karen from PPCG

If you’ve got holidays, take em.
If you can, keep kids at home.
If you know a health worker, look after their kids.
If you know a casual worker, share your income.
If you have a neighbor, check on them.
If you see a curve, flatten it.
Support Port Phillip Community Group

Send us your ideas to survive corona with a stronger community
Email TWiSK

Get your info from credible sources
Victorian health info
Commonwealth Health

This Week in St Kilda

Watch for Vikings @ St Kilda Beach

Anchored in the bay, the 930 passenger Orion Viking is waiting without passengers after dropping of ‘lucky’ tourists last Tuesday. No one know how long they will be there.
Take a look

Advertised but cancelled events
This Girl Can Week
Melbourne Tramways Band
Postponed / cancelled
o c e a n weekend @ Espy
Postponed / cancelled
Dharmaland @ St Kilda Town Hall
Mayors of Prahran @ St Kilda Cemetery

Previous TWiSK weekly lists

Monday 16 March – Sunday 22 March

Monday 9 March – Sunday 15 March

Monday 2 March – Sunday 8 March

Monday 24 February – Sunday 1 March

Monday 17 February – Sunday 23 February

Monday 10 February – Sunday 16 February