A great list of things to do in St Kilda delivered to you every Sunday evening

Post your vote by Friday

Voting closes this Friday in an extraordinary council election.
Held under COVID with no face-to-face campaigning, no door knocking and no all-candidate debates, it’s an election dominated by social media and gossip.
TWiSK has been the only source of information that has given an equal say to all candidates.
TWiSK is proud of that – and we’ve been rewarded with a big boost in subscribers, readers and page visits – so thank you.
In this TWiSK we have given every candidate 50 words to say why they should get your #1 vote.
Read below to see their final pitches for your vote.
This Week in St Kilda  # 239
30th Birthday Celebration @ Linden Postcard Show
Local wildlife of Elsternwick Park Nature @ EcoCentre Seminar
Audio drama @ Red Stitch
Enjoy it both ways @ Memo
PPP punches back in TWiSKy Bits
Skateparks and hairdressers are open – yippee!
All eyes are now on 1 November
Share your opening plans in TWiSK

Inaugural Heads High Art Show @ Space2b
Registrations close today Sunday 18 October
Emerging and established artists are invited to enter the Inaugural Heads High Art Show and competition by painting your interpretation an Australian celebrity or local hero.
Top 40 Finalists will be selected by a Judging Panel and exhibited in the space2b ArtSpace Gallery during December 2020 and January 2021. $1200 in prizes to be won.
Get info

30th Birthday Celebration @ Linden Postcard Show
Wednesday 21 October, 6 pm
YouTube Live & Facebook Live
Linden has invited back some of the past winners, from 30 years of the show’s history, to exhibit their current work.
Register for the event 

Locals of Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve @ EcoCentre Seminar
Thursday 22 October, 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm
Find out how the Elsternwick Park Association is transforming an old golf course into a sanctuary.
Learn about the parrots and cockatoos that call Elsternwick Park home, including red-rumped parrots, eastern rosellas, and gang-gang cockatoos. Free.

Single Ladies Now @ Red Stitch
Online, on demand
The show must go on at Red Stitch. They have created three short audio works written as companions to the world premiere of Michele Lee’s Single Ladies.
Best heard through headphones!

You’ve been warned @ Parking fines start again soon
Last week Port Phillip Council reintroduced a temporary 30-minute grace period for all timed parking (green signs) across Port Phillip. Cautions will be issued to vehicles who overstay this period,
but no parking infringements will be issued at this stage.
Fines will be reintroduced as restrictions ease.
Council update information

Enjoy it both ways @ Memo
As soon as restrictions are lifted
Simon and the gang at Memo have programed a massive November and December comeback with many gigs offered as both live or streamed. Get set to enjoy local favorites like Rebecca and Billy, Kim Salmon, Alyce Platt, Dingo Radio, Ladies Sing Leonard, Broderick Smith, Kelly Auty and the amazing Joe Creighton. And more …
Memo webpage

Feedback wanted @ Shrine to Sea
State government project
Development of a masterplan is the next step in the ambitious $13 million ‘Shrine to Sea’ cycling boulevard connecting Domain Gardens to Port Phillip Bay along Albert and Kerferd Roads.
Due to be completed by 2023, the boulevard will provide walking and bike riding as well as celebrating local histories and stories.
Share your suggestions to inform the master plan

Candidates have their final say to win your vote

We asked every candidate give us 50 words that will win your vote.
They are presented in full in the order of each ballot paper.
We’ve also included their how to vote recommendations as you need to number every square.
You must mail your vote by Friday 23 October.
Voting is compulsory for residents.

Canal candidates final pitch to voters
In order on ballot

Louise Crawford
www.louisecrawford.com.au  0407 152 661
“I am someone who cares, is willing to listen, treats others with respect, and has a positive vision for our wonderful city. Disappointingly, during this election campaign there has been much misinformation and lies. Vote for candidates who will collaborate, and be a fair and functional councillor body.”
Louise’s How to Vote recommendation
1 Crawford, Louise
8 Cahir, Warwick
5 Pianella, Lesley G
10 Clark, Rhonda
6 Armstrong, Steven
9 McDonald, Jo
3 Baxter, Tim
2 Gross, Dick
7 Bilic, Dennis
4 Blay, Maddy

Warwick Cahir
Meet Warwick on Facebook
No response received

Lesley G. Pianella
Connect with Lesley’s Facebook 
A vote for me is a vote for a progressive, independent young woman who will work tirelessly to advocate for our mental health and wellbeing, safe and affordable housing, early education and childcare, open public spaces, arts and creative industries, local business recovery and strong climate action.”
Lesley’s How to Vote preferences
5 CRAWFORD, Louise
8 CAHIR, Warwick
1 PIANELLA, Lesley G.
10 CLARK, Rhonda
4 GROSS, Dick
7 BILIC, Dennis
3 BLAY, Maddy

Rhonda Clark
If you want sensible, community based decisions that put your concerns over political ideology then vote 1 for me. I will support a rate freeze next year, revitalising Carlisle St, Fitzroy St & Acland St, lowering costs for traders and making car parking cheaper for residents in our shopping precincts & local streets. Community safety needs to be a priority and ensuring transparency in Councillors’ expenses.”
Rhonda’s How to Vote preferences

Steven Armstrong
Mob: 0409 186 477
No final pitch received
Jo McDonald
“I’m honest, energetic, and have proven this through local community work over many years. I know how to navigate government, to manage finances, to do what’s right. I never take the easy way out, and care equally for everyone. I will proudly represent you – Please vote 1 for me.”
Jo’s How to Vote preferences
7. CRAWFORD, Louise
3. CAHIR, Warwick
9. PIANELLA, Lesley G.
2. CLARK, Rhonda
5. ARMSTRONG, Steven
10.BAXTER, Tim
4. GROSS, Dick
6. BILIC, Dennis
8. BLAY, Maddy 

Tim Baxter
grns.me/timbaxter / tim.baxter@vic.greens.org.au / 0404566733
“I have a clear plan to increase our open space, introduce more safe cycling lanes and lead an arts, culture and care driven COVID recovery. Neither I nor my party accept developer donations, so you know I’m on the side of the community at all times. Vote [1] Tim Baxter.”
Tim’s How To Vote preferences
Dick Gross
“I get stuff done like no other. Whether it be getting free entry to Rippon Lea Estate Gardens. Or making Carlisle St safer with 15% less assaults; Or doing a deal with Melbourne Water over flooding in Elwood; or working to add 14 MCGs worth of new green space. I will fight for you and win.”
Dick’s How to Vote preferences
2 CRAWFORD, Louise
9 CAHIR, Warwick
3 PIANELLA, Lesley G.
10 CLARK, Rhonda
1 GROSS, Dick
6 BILIC, Dennis
5 BLAY, Maddy

Dennis Bilic
0422 344 059
Final pitch
No response

Maddy Blay
0430 801 065
“We’ve got some big issues facing our communities, from the climate crisis to a comprehensive, caring recovery from the pandemic. Having a young, passionate and committed person on Council is crucial to ensuring no-one is left behind. Vote 1 Maddy Blay for a caring and sustainable Port Phillip.”
Maddy’s How to Vote preferences

Gateway candidates final pitch to voters
In order on ballot

Sami Maher
“Vote Sami Maher to freeze rates and secure one free parking permit for eligible residents. Support traders by consulting with them, allowing free footpath trading and reducing red tape. Improve community safety by sorting out street homelessness, drug use and crime. Support funding to libraries. Deliver fiscally responsible budgets.”
Sami’s How to Vote preferences
Heather Cunsolo
0429 452 057
“As the only candidate with a career in architecture/ planning, the only female with children under 15yo and a dedication to the community side of local government, my skill set and perspective is good for Gateway and all of the City of Port Phillip.
Vote 1 Heather Cunsolo”

Stan Gyles
0435 935 239
“Imagine Port Phillip with businesses thriving again. With beautiful and protected public spaces and boulevards. A city obsessed with good design and urban planning, where medium density neighbourhoods are retained and safe to live and work in. That’s what I stand for. VOTE 1 Stan Gyles.”
Stan’s How to Vote preferences
MAHER, Sami 4
CUNSOLO, Heather 5
GYLES, Stan 1
LEWIS, Trina 2
PEARL, Marcus 3
JAMES, Earl 8
MARTIN, Peter 7

Trina Lewis
“Vote for change! Frustrated with astronomical rate increases and stories of council incompetence? I am committed to more affordable rates, better community engagement, fair decision making and improved council services. My priorities include sustainable development, beautiful green spaces, reasonable parking for all, support for local businesses and no wasteful spending. ”
Trina’s How to Vote preferences
Vote 1: Trina Lewis 2: Marcus Pearl 3: Sami Maher and number all other boxes.

Marcus Pearl
There has never been a more important time to support our local traders and residents through targeted services, reduced costs, and less red tape in the post COVID world. As an experienced Councillor with a record of achieving results, I am ready to hit the ground running to serve you and our local community.”
Marcus’s How to Vote preferences

Earl James
0466 596 599
As a teacher, economist and resident of Port Melbourne for the past nine years, I am proud to be a Greens-Endorsed Candidate for Port Phillip Council. My vision for our community is one where economics meets sustainability, to build a thriving community that is both fair and just, economically vibrant and innovative.”
How to Vote recommendations
Peter Martin
0460 969 769
I have a strong track record of successfully advocating for our community, and, if elected, will fight to maintain and, where financially possible, increase local Council services, work to rejuvenate the Bay St, Clarendon St and Station Pier precincts, and to implement positive initiatives to address climate change.”
Peter’s How to Vote recommendations
Maher S 8
Cunsolo H 3
Gyles S 6
Lewis T 7
Pearl M 4
James E 2
Martin P 1
Papageorgiou C 5

Cleo Papageorgiou
My vision is for a more diverse and inclusive Port Phillip community that cares for the wellbeing of vulnerable people including the elderly and those with mental health issues. As a Councillor I will advocate for better services for our multicultural, LGBTQ communities, elderly and homeless people.”
Preferences from VEC statement
1 PAPAGEORGIOU, Cleo. Vote 2 MAHER, Sami, and number all other candidates in order of your choice.

Lake candidates final pitch to voters
In order on ballot

Andrew Bond

0488 500 505
I live in St. Kilda. The six candidates that live in Middle Park, Albert Park or South Melbourne will not stand up for St. Kilda the way a true local will. Having Lake ward Councillors go missing for the past four years has been terrible for our area. By voting for me you will have a Councillor that will stand up for St Kilda.”
Andrew’s How to Vote preferences
Vote 1 BOND, Andrew. 2 SIRAKOFF, Christina. 3 CONAGHAN, Geoffrey, then number remaining boxes.

Adrian Jackson
Tele: 9534 7615. Mob: 0419 313 662. Email: ajackson404@hotmail.com.
“If you are tired of paying excessive rates as a home owner like me, where I was billed $5,711 by council this year, then you should rebel against it and vote for a candidate like me. Renters pay high rates indirectly through rent to their landlord who pay the rates.”
How to Vote recommendation
“My preference I will put on my ballot paper will be 1 Jackson, 2 Sirakoff, 3 Bond, 4 Conaghan, 5 Mandile, 6 Ward, 7 Nyaguy and 8 Copsey. On my candidate statement one sentence states “I support the objectives of RoPP”.

Katherine Copsey
https://greens.org.au/vic/person/katherine-copsey-0 .
“Speaking with locals I’m hearing they want a constructive, transparent Council that will help our local recovery and protect our beautiful natural environment. I won’t accept developer donations and you can trust me to put the community first.
Vote [1] Katherine Copsey for climate action and a caring, connected community.”
Katherine’s How to Vote preferences
Bernard Mandile
0420 861 098
I will be a Full-time Candidate.
Lived my whole life in the Ward, the traditional candidates have State government stamped on their heads.
I am the only Candidate who was an OWNER/OPERATOR on the streets of Port Phillip.
Strong connections with Families & sporting groups. We need to feel safe in Port Phillip”
Bernie’s How to Vote preferences
7 BOND, Andrew
8 JACKSON, Adrian
6 COPSEY, Katherine
1 MANDILE, Bernard
3 WARD, Roger
5 SIRAKOFF, Christina
2 CONAGHAN, Geoffrey
4 NYAGUY, Robbie

Roger Ward
“I think more sensible practical people have to stand for office. I want to see new people with diverse backgrounds in government.
I have a scientific background and I love to get things done.
I am passionate about the environment and want to improve it for the whole community. “
Roger’s How to Vote preferences
6 BOND, Andrew
8 JACKSON, Adrian
5 COPSEY, Katherine
2 MANDILE, Bernard
1 WARD, Roger
7 SIRAKOFF, Christina
3 CONAGHAN, Geoffrey
4 NYAGUY, Robbie

Christina Sirakoff
0411 135 549
Rates freeze. No Bin Tax. One free parking permit for eligible residents. Lower parking fees. Rebuild our famous retail & dining precincts. Improve community safety by sorting out street homelessness, drug use and crime. Support traders by reducing permit costs and red tape. Properly funded libraries. Deliver fiscally responsible budgets.”
Christina’s How to Vote preferences

Geoffrey Conaghan
Parliament is for party politicians and Council for independent local residents. All major party endorsed candidates have previously run for State parliament, treating your vote as a personal stepping stone. I won’t.
I have policies developed for Port Phillip and the corporate and community track record to handle the role.”
Geoffrey’s How to Vote preferences
1 Geoffrey CONAGHAN
2 Bernard MANDILE
3 to 8 on the following criteria:
“Support Independents focused on residents issues.
Choose new, engaged candidates with locally-focused policies, or return a standing Councillor who’s engaged and responded to local issues.
Please leave party allegiance for State and Federal elections.”

Robbie Nyaguy
0431 686 997
Facebook & Instagram @robbieforlake
“This has been a tough year and a critical election. The Council you elect will lead our community as we recover from COVID. I want to be your progressive voice for the next four years – fighting for what matters most and making sure our Council delivers for our whole community.”
Robbie’s How to Vote preferences

Read more detailed info about every candidate in their own words.

Reply from Progressive Port Phillip @ TWiSK
Last week we published an email from Campbell Spence from Ratepayers of Port Phillip.
We offered Progressive Port Phillip a right of reply (under 250 words).
“Progressive Port Phillip is a broad-based effort to raise key issues about the future of our community. We have done this through numerous blogs, essays, online forums, talking shops, social media and assessed candidates for voters, available here. PPP is not aligned with any party and accept no funds from parties or property developers. As ROPP knows, preference negotiations are strictly done by candidates and parties.
• ROPP is wrong about rates – average residential rates in Port Phillip are among the lowest in metro Melbourne. It’s the benchmark used by the Essential Services Commission to strike the annual cap on rate increase, not back of the envelope guesswork. ROPP’s March 2019 newsletter calls for a 30% rate reduction over three years – that means slashing services.
• ROPP is wrong about Council staffing levels – these have reduced to 818 this financial year, a reduction of 62 positions over the last 12 months. Port Phillip spends less on staffing as a proportion of its expenditure compared to neighbouring Councils.
• ROPP has talked about outsourcing the community owned and controlled management of the South Melbourne Market (ROPP February 2020 Newsletter) – we have seen this story before. It’s a journey to privatisation.
• ROPP is wrong about waste services – costs of managing waste are rising but ROPP has no plan for that. Port Phillip is one of only five Victorian councils without a separate charge for waste.
• Michele O’Neil is a long-term resident of Port Phillip who supports the PPP vison for Council – see Michele’s video here.
Kind regards
Rhonda Small, John Spierings, Ann Byrne, Bill Garner, Isabelle Oderberg, Jack Halliday, Louise Connor, Ed Krutsch, Brenda Forbath, Peter Moraitis
On behalf of
Progressive Port Phillip”