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The only independent local coverage of the campaign for Macnamara

If you live in St Kilda, you are living in the Federal seat of Macnamara (formerly Melbourne Ports).
The electorate includes all of the Port Phillip council area, plus parts of neighbouring Glen Eira and the Southbank / South Yarra parts of Melbourne.
Macnamara Map

The current Member of Parliament is Labor’s Josh Burns, who was first elected in 2019.

2019 results
Labor’s Josh Burns was elected on preferences with a two-party preferred vote of 56% over the Liberal’s Kate Ashmor who polled 44%.
First preference votes were:
Liberal 37%
Labor 31%
Greens 24%
Source: Wikipedia

In 2016, when the seat was called Melbourne Ports, the result was much closer with Labor’s Michael Danby only polling 27% compared to Liberals 41.9%. After distribution of minor candidate preference votes, Green’s candidate Steph Hodgins-May came just 1000 votes short of over taking Labor’s Danby – her preferences then elected Labor.

Who can win the seat in 2022?
Unless the Liberal candidate can win on first preferences, the race for Macnamara is a contest between the Labor and Greens.
We still dont know the full field of candidates – we can expect UAP and other minor parties plus some independent locals.
Their preference could be influential.
All candidates are invited to submit their response to our basic bio questions in no more than 30 words (or 120 words in total):
Why me?
Why here?
Email here

Macnamara candidates ballot order 

Here are the candidates for Macnamara in the order on the ballot paper …

1. John B MYERS
2. Colleen HARKIN
Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division)
3. Josh BURNS
Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch)
4. Debera ANNE
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
Liberal Democratic Party
Animal Justice Party
The Australian Greens – Victoria
8. Jane Elizabeth HICKEY
United Australia Party

Candidate forums

Climate change and energy @ Port Phillip Emergency Climate Action Network (PECAN)
Tuesday 26 April, 7.00 pm
St Kilda Town Hall. The event will also be livestreamed.
Moderator: April Seymore, Port Phillip EcoCentre
Guest Speaker: Prof Kathryn Bowen, University Melbourne, Lead Author -The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report, ‘Ch.7 Human health, wellbeing, and the changing structure of communities.’
The Candidates are:
• Josh Burns (ALP) confirmed
• Collen Harkin (Liberals) invited
• Steph Hodgins-May (Greens) confirmed
Free tickets at www.pecan.org.au
Organisers will need to check your COVID double vaccination certificate at the door when you arrive Mask wearing is advised but not mandatory. We appreciate you arriving early to allow time for these procedures.

All issues candidate forum @ Memo
Thursday 5 May, 7 pm
unChain have organised a public forum with the main candidates for Macnamara to discuss the issues beyond climate change and energy. Chaired by John Daley, ex CEO of the Grattan Institute, Josh Burns (ALP), Collen Harkin (Liberal) and Steph Hodgins-May (Greens) will answer your question and discuss the big themes. Free
Note: All three speakers have confirmed their participation.

The candidates so far …

Josh Burns
Member for Macnamara

Here are Josh Burns’ responses to our basic questions in 30 words each.
“I’m Josh Burns, the Member for Macnamara since 2019 and proudly Labor’s candidate for the 2022 election. I’ve been privileged to serve this community for the past three years.”
“I want to be a part of a Labor Government that leads the nation out of the pandemic and rebuilds our economy on better jobs, housing, climate action and more.”
Why me?
“From my heritage to my working life, I’ve learn the importance and value of education in changing lives, of supporting our diverse multicultural society and looking after our precious environment.”
Why here?
“I was born and raised locally in Caulfield and am lucky to still live here with my wife Zoe, our beautiful daughter, Tia, and our dog, Larry.”
email josh.burns.mp@aph.gov.au
Phone 9534 8126
Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @joshburnsmp

Steph Hodgins-May 
Greens candidate for Macnamara

Here are Steph Hodgins-May’s responses to our basic questions in 30 words each.
Who am I?
I’m a local mum trained in environmental law and live with my partner and son in Elwood. I love getting out into nature: camping, swimming and enjoying our beautiful environment.
Why am I standing?
We have a chance to phase out fossil fuels and protect our climate and future – but we need to act now. The old parties only seem to listen to their big donors: we need a Greens MP who is a local champion.
Why me?
I’m a local, a trained lawyer, a young mum and an advocate for our environment. I live my principles: I will stand up for residents of Macnamara no matter what. I share your values, because they are my values too.
Why here?
This is my home. I love where we live, and I’ve got a plan to invigorate our neighbourhoods, music venues and local services, and to create more open spaces where our kids can play and nature can thrive.
Contact details
Steph Hodgins-May
0438 847 525

Collen Harkin
Liberal candidate for Macnamara

Colleen is a former candidate for Bayside Council and was recently a staffer with Liberal Senator Jane Hume.
She provided the following biographical information for TWiSK (edited for word count)
“Her secondary schooling was at Presentation College Windsor. She went on to study education at Institute of Catholic Education, and then completed a Master Degree In Education at Monash University.
“She taught in a variety of schools, both primary and secondary, and worked as an education consultant both here and in Japan.
“Colleen moved into IT, in business development and project management and then started her own small business developing bespoke databases and digital widgets.
“She highly values motherhood and chose to spend time as a stay-at-home mum until moving back into paid employment via casual relief teaching, and then as Executive Director, running Bayside Forum. She recently resigned from the office of Senator Hon Jane Hume.
“Colleen is passionate about education and believes that the Liberal’s passion for technology, innovation and economy makes addressing climate issues natural Liberal party territory.”
0477 291 228

Macnamara Promises Watch

LABOR: Elster Creek $11.7M and Albert Park sports $5m
Labor has pledged an additional $11.7M for flood mitigation works along Elster Creek and further upgrading the Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve for community use. This is addition to $6M already committed by the Federal Government.
More details
LABOR: Upgrade of Albert Park sports facilities
Labor has also pledged $5M to upgrade facilities for community facilities across the Albert Park sports precinct. The spending will go towards upgrading sporting fields, pavilions lighting and other infrastructure, increasing participation from women and girls in sport and establishing Albert Park as one of Australia’s most accessible parks for people of all abilities.
More details
GREENS: $5m costed commitment to save the three community run childcare centres facing closure
Steph Hodgins-May told TWiSK (see below) “The Greens are the only party to have made a specific, costed commitment of $5 million in federal funding to save the 3 centres. I am calling on the other parties to match that commitment – I am hoping we can run on a joint ticket to save them.
“While Council are now having a bigger conversation about childcare in our area, it is my firm belief that a federal funding commitment is what is required to secure the long term future of these 3 centres, and it is what I will deliver if elected.”

The issues in TWiSK

Candidate comments on childcare

We offered the candidates for Macnamara 150 words each to put their views on the local childcare situation.
Here are their responses in-full, presented in the order that they were received.
First published 14 March
“Council should immediately halt their plans to sell off our community-run centres.”
Josh Burns
Federal Labor Member for Macnamara
“Labor will make childcare more affordable and help parents work the hours they want while also helping families with cost of living.
Four in five families will be better off under an Albanese Labor Government’s childcare policy than they are under Scott Morrison.
Childcare shouldn’t be a barrier to work, especially for Australian women who disproportionally carry the burden of caring for children.
Labor will support families and invest in quality, local childcare and early education.
In regards to the three local early childhood centres at risk of sale in the City of Port Phillip, the Council should immediately halt their plans to sell off our community-run centres.
The Victorian Government has made it clear funding is available and Council needs to engage the State and Federal Governments in good faith.
Childcare and kindergarten services shouldn’t be sold and that is what I’ll keep working to achieve.”
“The Greens are the only party to have made a specific, costed commitment of $5 million in federal funding to save the 3 centres”
Steph Hodgins-May
Federal Greens candidate for Macnamara
“I’m running for the Greens because our platform is about all parents having access to early education that best suits their needs. Which means supporting community-run centres like the three slated for closure. As a mum, I have talked to many parents who are concerned at the loss of the connection, high quality education and care they provide.
“The Greens are the only party to have made a specific, costed commitment of $5 million in federal funding to save the 3 centres. I am calling on the other parties to match that commitment – I am hoping we can run on a joint ticket to save them.
“While Council are now having a bigger conversation about childcare in our area, it is my firm belief that a federal funding commitment is what is required to secure the long term future of these 3 centres, and it is what I will deliver if elected.”
“This year, the Federal Government will spend $11B nationally on childcare”
Christopher Ride
former Liberal Candidate for Macnamara
“As a parent of three children, I recognise the importance of government supported childcare, particularly for working parents. The pressure on parents with young children can be enormous. The Federal Government currently provides means-tested childcare support for 8,680 children in 94 childcare facilities in Macnamara. In Victoria, 304,830 children are receiving federal childcare subsidies.
“This year, the Federal Government will spend $11b nationally on childcare, which is almost double the total childcare support provided by Labor in 2013. These are unprecedented levels of childcare support. The Morrison Government’s continued objective is to provide equitable, safe and effective local childcare for all Australian parents, when they need it. The Liberal Party supports Australian parents.”

Election authorisation: Gregory John Day, 202/517 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000.