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One councillor’s suggestions on Acland Street

6 September 2021
Last week TWiSK invited all Lake Ward councillors (Andrew Bond, Christina Sirakoff and Katherine Copsey) to offer their ideas on Acland Plaza.
So far only Cr Copsey has responded.
She has requested that we make it clear that the opinions are hers and not the official position of Council.

Acland Plaza is a canvas for our community’s creativity
From Cr Katherine Copsey, City of Port Phillip Lake Ward

Like the sun that peeked through the steely storm clouds, a moment of joy in a bleak 2021 came in on a freezing Saturday afternoon in April when a New Orleans-style second line formed on Acland Street’s car-free plaza.
Hundreds of music fans revelled in the chance to dance, sing and enjoy the things that make our community special, drawing visitors to the street’s restaurants and bars and reminding us of the things we have to look forward to when the pandemic is under control.
It’s the hope for more of these moments that has gotten me through the long COVID winters.
We have a lot to look forward to. Before the pandemic hit, the City of Port Phillip supported artists and businesses over many years to use the square to bring happiness and vitality to our streets.
Our community enjoyed public art like lighting displays and the REGENESIS sculptural installation, family fun at an ice skating rink that recalled an old St Kilda institution, as well as music and dance performances.
Our work hasn’t stopped. Activations and pop-up dining options that Council created shortly after the pandemic hit have allowed traders to keep customers safely fed and caffeinated with extended outdoor dining.

Looking to the future, reopening offers a chance to trial new ways to welcome people into our precincts.
Inspired by famous plazas around the world, we have an opportunity to improve pedestrian access to dining and entertainment in the precinct and tackle congestion at the same time.
Other cities have shown the way forward, prioritising accessible shared spaces and more friendly streets for people who ride bikes. Though we were first movers in many spaces for pandemic relief, Port Phillip has lagged behind here, but as we all spend more time in our 5kms it’s important our local streets work for all users. The just announced e-scooter trial, pop-up up bike facilities across the city and improved pedestrian infrastructure will help us beat back a flood of traffic congestion as we establish a ‘new normal’.
Like we saw last summer, outdoor social spaces will be more important than ever as more people are vaccinated and we emerge from hard lockdowns.
I look forward to more activations to help people gather safely and respect social distance, like we trialled with painted circles on the foreshore during the warmer months. What would help people socialise and social distance in the Plaza? A simple idea might be BYO picnic rug!
We know the burden of the pandemic hasn’t been shared equally, and particularly in this context, it’s sad and sadly predictable to see mean-spirited individuals trying to divide our community and target those doing it tough. That contributes to stigma and it hurts, not helps. We can always do more, but I am proud of Council’s work to provide more community housing in our city and will push for greater ambition – from us and hopefully in further partnerships with other levels of government.
Our city has long been a place where people come to find themselves and to find belonging Council can continue to play its part by supporting affordable and social housing so that everyone gets the safe and secure place to call home they deserve.
As we emerge from another long lockdown, we have a lot to look forward to.
After a year off, in 2022 St Kilda Festival is back with a new format and more days of entertainment than ever before. Excitingly the 2022 Festival will also incorporate Yaluk-ut Weelam Ngargee, the annual First Peoples arts and cultural festival. No single event Council runs returns more to the local economy than the Festival, drawing people to our community for revelry, awesome live music and fun in the sun.
Acland Plaza is an iconic St Kilda spot. It is a canvas for our community’s creativity and a space we can all look forward to meeting again when it’s safe to do so.

Cr Bond and Sirakoff are still welcome to submit their ideas – as are any readers.

Greg Day
Happy to chat anytime 0418 345 829
Content suggestions and community questions are always welcome.