Is now the right time to talk about the St Kilda Triangle? This Week in St Kilda #259More than a decade after the $300m St Kilda Triangle development was cancelled by Council in 2009, the ramshackle carpark at the heart of St Kilda remains a bitumen eyesore. As the community searches for ways to revive Continue reading →
Time to talk Triangle again?
What should the City of Port Phillip do with this distinctive St Kilda centrepiece?Cr Andrew Bond calls for a fresh discussion “For the first time in 16 years the ranks of the Councillors at the City of Port Phillip are free from all combatants from the so called Triangle Wars – the long running and Continue reading →
Dick Gross replies: We need scale to make it an attraction
Dick Gross provided a PowerPoint presentation about the merits of the 2008 proposal. This is presented in full Why you should look at this explanation of the 2008 proposal. This PowerPoint must be looked at. It shows just how dishonest characterisations of the old Triangle proposal were. Whilst 2008 Proposal has a bad name, I Continue reading →
Serge Thomann replies: We need a bipartisan approach
Serge Thomann provided this reply to Andrew Bond’s comments on the Triangle. His reply is published in full. “I welcome Cr Bond’s suggestion that it’s time that we look at the St Kilda Triangle again. I certainly hope this is genuine and not just a political stunt in an effort to get Liberal party pre-selection Continue reading →
Monday 22 March – Sunday 28 March
Archie Roach @ Espy live streamSaturday 27 March, 3 pm This Week in St Kilda #258Music festival coming to triangle in AprilRed Stitch’s Playlist @ Alma ParkArtist’s Studio 106 diversion before demolitionFirst People Arts and Cultural FestivalEnsemble Gombert @ All SaintsKate Ceberano @ Memo Dont rely on Facebook, get TWiSK in your email every SundayTWiSK Continue reading →